Compass Dreamwork invites you to engage with your dreams, to experiment with your dreams, to discover for yourself how the experience of dreaming can be useful and meaningful.

In this dream, the ceiling disappears. We feel the sudden openness and brightness, and we all look up…
Like a compass, a dream shows us where we are, relative to the world around us. It doesn’t point to a specific path, but provides orientation. Just as a compass draws upon the invisible but real magnetic field of the planet as a whole, a dream draws upon the universal “field of experience,” which can help us, individually and collectively, to find and follow our own deepest sense of direction.
Compass Dreamwork offers opportunities…
…To Experience your own dreams at a deeper level, with the guidance and support of an experienced dreamwork facilitator and spiritual director, through individual dreamwork sessions or dream-sharing groups.
…To Explore different approaches to dreams and dreamwork, through seminars, presentations, retreats and workshops on a wide variety of dream-related subjects.
…To Expand your perspective so that you can apply dream insights and dream openings to your waking life, and to larger concerns such as the social and environmental challenges facing our planet. Compass Dreamwork is committed to developing a “big picture” perspective on the ecology of dreamwork, following the tradition of the many indigenous cultures that consider dreams meaningful not only for the individual, but for the larger community and the earth itself. You can make a difference with your dreamwork.