Everything is always changing, and that’s good, of course—but also often sad. Without change, there would be stagnation and death, but where there’s change, there are endings as well as new beginnings.
A lot of clichés! Admittedly, I’m stalling here. It’s hard to write this, but I won’t be maintaining the Compass Dreamwork blog on a regular basis any longer. We’ve been dreaming together in this blog for seven years now, and seven years marks a completed cycle. I’ve begun to repeat myself, so it’s time to pause… look around… listen…
I don’t yet know what’s coming next. If you enjoy reading my work, there will still be occasional posts coming through on Compass Dreamwork: maybe some surprise blog articles from time to time, and some reprints of articles published elsewhere. There’s also a huge archive here on the site (if you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you can browse through the “Categories” menu and pick posts on any topic you choose). And, of course, I’d love to have you read (or perhaps re-read?) my book, Just Walk.
Among the potential projects I’m considering is a sequel to Just Walk… called Just Wait. Also, a book on dreams is brewing. However, my biggest project, for now, is just waiting, just dreaming. I’ve made a commitment not to let myself become busy. It’s time for spaciousnes and patience, time to breathe, to live.
Wishing you all the time you need in your life, too.
Thank you, for the ways that you have nurtured my work —your reading, your insights, your comments and questions. I trust that the community we’ve made together will continue, in new ways. I’ll be in touch with you, when the time is right.
The blog has been such a gift to all of us. Thank you. I trust you’ll keep sharing your wisdom in new ways and that new ways of expression will nurture your healing and creative living. Much love to you.
Much love to you, too! Thank you Tallulah.
much love Kirsten, and appreciation for the many insights and learnings you bring
may healings and adventures find all
Many thanks, Celeste!
Thank you for your poignant message.
I always look forward to reading the Compass emails.
May your dreams be beautiful and fulfilled.
The same to you, Jamie. Thank you!
Sounds like a plan, Kirsten! I love the title “Just Wait”. I’ll patiently await your new book/s, and know I have lots of wonderful blogs to read from you on your website. And so much brews in the silence, as Parker Palmer says “Let the silence speak.”
Thank you Lisa!
Keep following your heart and dreams!!!!
Thank you, Jennifer!
Thank you, Kirsten, for sharing your path, and your wisdom and knowledge about the ins and outs of dream exploration.
I’ll be missing some new posts on your blog but I’m also glad you made a decision that, from what you say, looks like it will suit you very well at this time.
Thanks so much, Jordi!
Hi Kirsten,
I have a window exactly like this one in my bedroom in our mountain cabin. For a minute I thought your picture was of my window! 🙂
After 10 years of regular writing on my blog, I took a sabbatical to work on my next book. It’s been three years since then. I rested a while, wrote the book, and now it’s with the publisher while I rest some more.
Lately I’ve found that I have more to say on my blog. So I’m back at it again. Following and trusting my own rhythm has worked beautifully for me. I know it will for you too. And has been for a long time.
I’ve enjoyed our connection and the beautiful community you have established here very much.
Rest well and be refreshed.
Thank you, Jeanie! I appreciate the wisdom of your example, in the ways you’ve allowed your blog to evolve along with your life path and other writing. I’m grateful that our blogs have allowed us to get to know each other, and am so glad that yours continues—what a gift. Blessings to you.
Hi Kisten, It would make sense to me for you to remove the obligation on yourself to post at a regular interval. At the same time, when you have something to say, it would be great if you would post it here, where you friends and fans are already connected. Very best regards, Bill P.
Many thanks to you, Bill!
Kirsten, I really admire the way you honor yourself and what is best for you!! I look forward to reading your occasional posts whenever they arrive! Love and hugs to you, dear one ❣️
Thank you, dear Jean! Much love to you.