Dreamwork as Spiritual Practice

Article on Dreams of the Dying, in “Dreamtime” magazine

dreamtime-forblogs[1]DreamTime is an inspiring and intriguing magazine published by the International Association for the Study of Dreams, and I recently had an article appear in the Winter 2015 issue.

Click on the picture to read the article: “Dreams of the Dying: Where Reality and Identity Become Fluid” by Kirsten Backstrom

And consider becoming a member of IASD! You’ll receive DreamTime three times a year, along with many other benefits!



  1. Peg Edera

    Thank you for this article. My husband’s dreams, prior to his death, were very vivid and, on waking, he could reach through his dementia and describe them in detail. Most of his speech had fallen away by then but the dream time brought his words back.

    • kirstenbackstrom

      This is so powerful, Peg. Perhaps, as he was dying and dreaming, your husband was connecting with a Self that was larger than the physical self that couldn’t speak… words, images, immediate experiences and ways of conveying them might become available in the dreamworld even when the physical body is having more and more difficulty accessing means of communication… Who knows? Bless you for sharing this.

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